Shows number 9, 10 & 11 are complete on the 2022 Flexr6 INBA PNBA Global World Tour and I’m feeling amazing! Another exciting two weeks onstage in the USA!
Updated Results:
30 JULY – INBA PNBA PRO AM International Iron Man Championships: 1st Ink/Tattoo, 2nd Classic Physique Grand Masters, 1st PNBA PRO Bodybuilding Masters, 1st PNBA PRO Bodybuilding Grand Masters.
6 AUGUST – INBA California Naturals: 1st Ink/Tattoo, 2nd Classic Physique Open Short
6 AUGUST – PNBA Wolfpack & Cougar Classic: 6th PNBA PRO Bodybuilding Grand Masters.

Next up on the Flexr6 World Tour:
2-3 SEP: INBA PNBA PRO AM Natural Universe, Tampa, FL, USA
10 SEP: INBA PNBA PRO AM Zeus Classic International, San Leandro, CA, USA
17 SEP: INBA PNBA PRO AM International Latin American Championships, Cordoba, Argentina
Join today – for you first, or next competition preparation:
Your author, Ken Ross is a current competitive natural bodybuilder with INBA PNBA Global. Ken has competed in 129 INBA PNBA Global competitions, is a PNBA Pro Bodybuilder, is the INBA PNBA Global World Ambassador for Natural Sports, has created 26 INBA PNBA Global Olympia, Universe, World, Champions, is the world record holder for INBA competitions and is in the INBA Hall of Fame. Ken also coaches athletes globally for natural bodybuilding competitions.
You can contact Ken through the contact form on or Instagram: @flexr6 or Facebook: Flexr6 Fitness Solutions
Founding Director of FLEXR6 Fitness Solutions and a natural bodybuilder for 39 years. Ken is based in Australia and currently competes at the international level. Ken is a current PNBA Pro, INBA Hall of Fame Inductee, INBA PNBA Global New Zealand President, INBA World Ambassador, multiple Asia Pacific, Natural Universe & Natural Olympia gold medallist, Competition Preparation Coach, writer for Iron Man Magazine and has competed in 144 INBA shows, in 17 countries across 6 continents! Ken is also a qualified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach. Read more about Ken or get in touch via the contact form.