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Are you caught up in the hype?

In News & Events by KenLeave a Comment

Today the mainstream media and social media will have you believe anything. Whether it is true, fabricated or fundamentally flawed…..they will make you a follower!

Most people in our society will go with the flow and jump on any bandwagon through fear of ostracization or exclusion by their perceived circle of friends. Or they will align themselves with the highest authority delivering the message, even though they may not believe that message to be true.

If you are one of these people your life is probably stagnant and you are an underachiever who has never amounted to much in life, and never will.

All the successful people in this world are that way for a reason. They are different. They don’t follow what they are told by the mainstream media or the wannabes on social media.

Study these people, learn what they did to achieve greatness and leave the hype to the rest of society to get caught up in!

Contact us today – to learn how to ignore the hype and to move upward in the world:

Your author, Ken Ross is a current competitive natural bodybuilder with INBA PNBA Global. In 2007, Ken started at ground zero mentally and physically. Ken has now competed in 138 INBA PNBA Global competitions, is the world record holder for INBA competitions, is a PNBA Pro Bodybuilder, is in the INBA Hall of Fameis the INBA PNBA Global World Ambassador, is the INBA PNBA Global New Zealand Presidenthas created 29 INBA PNBA Global Olympia, Universe or World Champions, and Ken also coaches athletes globally for natural bodybuilding competitions.

You can contact Ken through the contact form on or Instagram: @flexr6 or Facebook: Flexr6 Fitness Solutions

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