Nutrition, Training, Lifestyle & Comp Prep

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If you are seeking guidance for your first or next comp prep Flexr6 will take you all the way!

Using correct nutrition and training we will accommodate your lifestyle throughout your journey.

Your Team

Flexr6 Director & Head Coach, Ken Ross has been a natural bodybuilder for 35 years. Ken is a lifetime natural health and wellbeing advocate. Ken is in the INBA Hall of Fame, a PNBA Pro, has won five world titles and has competed in 114 natural competitions to date. In addition, Ken has competed in 12 countries around the globe. Ken has put over 150 individuals onstage and produced 12 World Champion bodybuilding and physique competitors.

Your Program

The Flexr6 nutrition, training & comp prep programs are all about you. Flexr6 will discuss with you your current lifestyle, health, wellness and goals. In addition, we will then together build a program that will only impact on your life in a positive manner.

In addition, we have a variety of delivery methods for our programs. Including, but not limited to:
Flexr6 Global App, Email, Zoom or Social Media

Above all, Flexr6 can also provide your program in any language and anywhere in the world. We are the 24/7 online specialists!

Your Results

Accountability, support, communication & feedback are the key aspects. Flexr6 is built on these attributes and delivers them year after year across 850+ clients. Therefore, you will become another success story onstage using the Flexr6 nutrition and training programs. Flexr6 carefully monitors you step by step to ensure a positive and meaningful outcome.

Leave a comment below or send Flexr6 a message via our contact form at the bottom of this page!

Furthermore, you can contact us via any of our social media apps including Facebook and Instagram

Or you can read more about our competition preparation here

We will respond to you within 5hrs! 

In conclusion, Flexr6 is excited as you to have you on our team!

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