As most of the world will be returning to the gym in the near future it is essential that you follow these key strategies to ensure health, progress and longevity.
Returning to the Gym
Start at the Start – what does this mean? Well, it doesn’t mean picking up 1kg dumbbells if you are used to pressing 50kg dumbbells. It must be remembered that your strength levels will be diminished after any prolonged layoff. If you attempt to lift what you did pre COVID-19 you WILL injure yourself. When returning to the gym start at 50% of the weight you previously used. Or for non-weighted training 50% of the reps or duration of time that you previously used.
Don’t Overstimulate – some pre-workouts can make you feel that you are
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (the huge dude from Game of Thrones). This sense of invincibility WILL injure you. Use the 50% rule on pre-workouts when returning to the gym.
Dress for the Conditions, Not for Tik Tok! – gyms are COLD. The temperatures are set LOW in gyms. This is so you don’t expire in the first 15 mins of your workout from heat exhaustion. However, this may also compromise your immune system which is a huge NO NO during the Corona Virus Pandemic. Upon returning to the gym, stay warm and only update your social media with pics & videos of good form and impressive weights!
Don’t Start a Riot – adhere to your gyms rules. If you break the newly enforced rules by your gym – they will be shut down again! Remember, your gym owner would love to have every member in its facility 24/7. So
returning to the gym in a responsible manner is essential for your gym to remain open.
About the Author of this Article
Flexr6 Director & Head Coach, Ken Ross has been a natural bodybuilder for 35 years. Ken is a lifetime natural health and wellbeing advocate. Ken is in the INBA Hall of Fame, a PNBA Pro, has won five world titles and has competed in 114 natural competitions to date. In addition, Ken has competed in 12 countries around the globe. Ken has provided one to one health and wellbeing advice, programs and guidance to over 800 individuals across the world.
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Founding Director of FLEXR6 Fitness Solutions and a natural bodybuilder for 39 years. Ken is based in Australia and currently competes at the international level. Ken is a current PNBA Pro, INBA Hall of Fame Inductee, INBA PNBA Global New Zealand President, INBA World Ambassador, multiple Asia Pacific, Natural Universe & Natural Olympia gold medallist, Competition Preparation Coach, writer for Iron Man Magazine and has competed in 144 INBA shows, in 17 countries across 6 continents! Ken is also a qualified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach. Read more about Ken or get in touch via the contact form.